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Celebrating Pride - Join us on the Love Bus (departure delayed due to Covid-19!)

Today marks the 25th anniversary of Pride in Scotland. 25 years of supporting progressive change for the LGBTQI+ community.

As part of the Pride Edinburgh 2020 celebrations, we celebrants at Agnostic Scotland had been planning to join forces with on one of the wonderful vintage route masters. Together, we were looking forward to taking their 'love bus' around the city and celebrating with fellow Pride Festival goers. It would have been a beautiful day full of love, connection, pride and colour.

Ben and Neil, married on The Red Bus, Edinburgh, March 2020

Due to Covid-19, and the restrictions in place, the Pride Edinburgh Organisers, with the safety of all attendees at the forefront of their decision making, postponed the celebrations. However, we are with them in spirit, standing in solidarity. We wholeheartedly support equal rights and respect for all people irrespective of Colour, Creed, Sexuality, Gender or Class.

Given all that is going on in the world, we feel that now especially is the time for love to conquer all. Now is the time for us to lay down our prejudices and let go of fear. Now is the time for us to (virtually) hug our fellow humans, to open our hearts and minds to respectful kindness. Now is the time to let people be who they are, and to rejoice in the glorious diversity of all. 

Natalie Holt photos

So, please do join us on the ‘love bus’ - we’d love to welcome you on board. We’ll see you in person on the new date for Pride Edinburgh, yet to be announced, in 2021.

This post is shared from the Agnostic Scotland site - please check out our lovely website!

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